Engine family:
Engine type:
2G30 , 2G40
Engine number:
2G30.17 , 2G40.13 , 2G40.14 , 2G40.15 , 2G40.16 , 2G40.17 , 2G40.18 , 2G40.19 , 2G40.20 , 2G40.21 , 2G40.22 , 2G40.23
08217... , 09113... , 09114... , 09115... , 09116... , 09117... , 09118... , 09119... , 09120... , 09121... , 09122... , 09123...
Comparison numbers:
49061400 , 49061500 , 50291600 , 50291601 , 50467900
Incl. fastening
Means of conveyance:
This article is suitable for the following engines:
Hatz 2G30, Hatz 2G40
The article consists of:
1 piece 50291600 Feed pump
1 piece 04132400 Enclosure feed pump right side
1 piece 04132500 Enclosure feed pump left
1 piece 04118500 Shim Ø 1,0 mm
1 piece 04118500 Shim Ø 1,0 mm
1 piece 04118600 Shim Ø 1,4 mm
2 pieces 50231900 Stud bolt M8 x 25 mm
Hatz 2G30, Hatz 2G40
The article consists of:
1 piece 50291600 Feed pump
1 piece 04132400 Enclosure feed pump right side
1 piece 04132500 Enclosure feed pump left
1 piece 04118500 Shim Ø 1,0 mm
1 piece 04118500 Shim Ø 1,0 mm
1 piece 04118600 Shim Ø 1,4 mm
2 pieces 50231900 Stud bolt M8 x 25 mm
Only use our original OEM quality from Hatz.
Articles marked as replica, comparison and gray goods do not meet the high quality standards and may cause irreparable damage.