Engine family:
D , L
Engine type:
1D81 , 2L40 , Z788 , Z789 , Z790
Engine number:
Z790.16 , Z788.16 , Z789.16
03716... , 04816... , 04916...
Means of conveyance:
Comparison numbers:
This article is suitable for the following engines:
Hatz 1D81, Hatz 2L40, Hatz Z788, Hatz Z789, Hatz Z790
The article consists of:
1 piece 00420400 Fuel filter cover
1 piece 40007300 Filter insert
1 piece 40028400 Hexagon nut
1 piece 50062900 Washer Ø 8,4 mm
Hatz 1D81, Hatz 2L40, Hatz Z788, Hatz Z789, Hatz Z790
The article consists of:
1 piece 00420400 Fuel filter cover
1 piece 40007300 Filter insert
1 piece 40028400 Hexagon nut
1 piece 50062900 Washer Ø 8,4 mm
Only use our original OEM quality from Hatz.
Articles marked as replica, comparison and gray goods do not meet the high quality standards and may cause irreparable damage.